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How to balance your energy ?

Energy balance is a process through which the body attempts to establish homeostasis. Most individuals spend much of their lives in the same weight range without daily focus on caloric intake and output.

The two parts of the equation for weight maintenance are energy intake (eating and drinking) versus energy output (non exercise thermogenesis + exercise).

To achieve weight loss, the American Diabetes Association (ADA), American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), and National Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics all recommend exercise as an integral part of any weight loss program. Physical activity and exercise are often used interchangeably.

However, correctly defined, physical activity is all movement that creates energy expenditure, whereas exercise is planned, structured physical activity.

Many outcomes data have been reported from research studies.

- Have examined exercise alone,

- Exercise plus dietary restriction,

- Dietary restriction alone to determine strategies for weight loss.

The challenge over time is to accurately monitor both sides of the equation as individuals interact in their daily lives.

In addition to helping you lose weight, exercise has been linked to many other benefits, including improved mood, stronger bones, and a reduced risk of many chronic diseases.

Energy balance is important, when you consume too much energy and burn too little, your body stores that excess energy as body fat.