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Water is essential for life, and maintaining optimum hydration is important for the body to function efficiently.

Summertime isn’t the only time you should be concerned about drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Workers in construction, landscaping, laundry, factory, farm, or restaurant settings, among others, often are faced with hot working environments year-round. These conditions can increase the risk for developing heat-related illnesses, so staying well hydrated is very important.

10 reasons why we are asked to have more water

  1. Aids to weight loss - One of the basic reasons why one must have more water is that it acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Being the zero calorie drink it is, one must drink a glass of water before every meal to reduce the calorie intake.

  1. Lesser body pain - When we don’t have enough water, it results in headaches and back pains. So, when we drink enough or more water, it naturally reduces these pains in our body as water lubricates the joints.


  1. Improves immune system - When we drink 8 or more glasses of water daily, it improves the body’s immunity to fight off several diseases. Thus , it is suggested to drink at least 2 litres of water daily and hydrate your body.


  1. Say ‘no’ to cancer with ‘water’- Did you know that drinking 2 litres of water daily can help in reducing the risk of colon and bladder cancer? Well, when we drink water, it dilutes the cancer-causing agents in the urine and the toxins are flushed out.

  1. Glowing skin - When we have less water than the recommended amount, our bodies start drying which can result in itchy and dry skin. Thus, having 8 glasses of water is recommended by experts to improve the skin’s overall elasticity which also gives a natural glow to the skin.


  1. Improves physical performance - When the body is dehydrated, it can result in fatigue, reduced cardiac input and even less blood flow to the muscles. However, when the body is completely hydrated, it results in better performance.


  1. Improves productivity - Staying hydrated helps keep a person stay focused and alert, therefore increasing productivity and overall concentration.

  1. Aids in better digestion - When we have less water, it can result in various stomach issues like constipation and indigestion. But having more water can result in better digestion which allows maximum absorption of nutrients in the blood.

  1. Helps in eye health - Eyes require regular lubrication, which is only possible when we have more water daily. Without it, eyes can become dry resulting in eye conditions like cataracts and dry eyes.

  1. Helps in better functioning of the kidney - When we don’t have enough water, it can result in lazy kidneys, which can also lead to urinary tract infections(UTI). By drinking enough water, kidney health is improvised while there is less risk of UTIs. 


Water is both useful and necessary for a healthy mind and body. It's as simple as picking up your water bottle and drinking. Water drinking is always emphasised by nutritionists, doctors, and scientists. Water can be beneficial to your health in addition to your body.